Tuesday 27 October 2020


 Been following Lavendaire for a few weeks and I think it's a good idea for me to write something about it in this blog. So basically Lavendaire is a YouTube channel/blog or whatever you call, that helps people to create, design themselves to the person they always wanted or dreamt to be. I love the tagline "Life is an art, make it your masterpiece." It gives people a kind of feeling that "Oh, I can change my life, improve my life as I want because I am the master of myself."

So today I watched the third series of the journaling series, and the topic is about fear, anxiety and worry. In life we always have much to worry. We worry that we are not good, we worry that we will fail, we get worried about all kind of things that probably won't happen. We asked ourselves "What if.....?" We have a wild imagination of things that will not happen. 

I love that Aileen, the founder of Lavendaire, always said that "Let fear be your compass." Ask yourself what are you afraid of? Then let it guide you to the way that you can push your boundaries, and be a better self. 

Question of the day: What do I tend to worry about? What do I typically get stressed about?

Recently I have many assignments coming in and I don't like assignments. Assignments take a long time to finish and I will procrastinate. Results of my procrastination, I will rush to complete my assignment in time. I'm afraid that my assignment couldn't get me full marks or high marks. I'm afraid that my assignment will be out of topic. I'm afraid that I couldn't make it in time. These fears are the resistant for me to start doing my assignment. I give reasons for that. My mind is blur now, I'll do it later. I cannot think straight right now. I'm tired. I don't feel like doing this. Of course it's okay to rest for a while when you are tired, but if you give reasons like this every time you supposed to start doing your assignment, something is wrong with that.

Results of the worrying of assignment, I feel stressed. It's very common to get stressed during the assignment and exams period especially these will affect your grade and CGPA and other people's impression of you whether you are excellent or not. The fear of assignments are also related to the topic that you care about how people see you, how people think about you, how people judge you. In order to be fearless, you must first drop the mindset that people are judging you. If you do your own part, no need to care about what other people think. But if you don't, it's normal that people will dislike you especially if this is a group assignment and, you were to take responsibility about it.

I also love a quote by Rebecca Lim (not sure that she came out with the quote or what, but I think she follow this quote very well) -"Baby steps are still steps." Take the initiative to start something, one step at a time and eventually you will find it easier and when you completed it, it will be the biggest achievement at the moment.

Be brave, conquer your fears, let your fear guide you, be patient, take baby steps to arrive at your destination.

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